MapleSEA is currrently holding a fund-raising drive for Muscular Dystrophy Association of Singapore (MDAS).
It starts from 3rd September 2008 till 8th October 2008. Within this period, there will be three cash items specially designed for this activity available in the Cash Shop which are MDAS Hat, MDAS Weapon and MDAS Shoes. The sales from these items will go directly to MDAS.
The notice about the fund-raising activity.
03 September 2008
Maplers care
01 September 2008
Malaysia @ MapleSEA!
It's Malaysia!
A new exclusive map (well, at least it's exclusive at this moment.) is released in MapleSEA - Malaysia, on 1st September, one day after the national day of Malaysia - 31st August.
Malaysia maps contain two towns, this is the Trend Zone Metropolis, much like the capital of Malaysia - K.L.(Kuala Lumpur) where the K.L.C.C. Twin Towers and the K.L. Tower can be seen.
A new exclusive map (well, at least it's exclusive at this moment.) is released in MapleSEA - Malaysia, on 1st September, one day after the national day of Malaysia - 31st August.
Malaysia maps contain two towns, this is the Trend Zone Metropolis, much like the capital of Malaysia - K.L.(Kuala Lumpur) where the K.L.C.C. Twin Towers and the K.L. Tower can be seen.